by Stephanie Ernst
This is the day when we annually celebrate the life, spirit, contributions, and philosophy of Martin Luther King Jr. But I'm not going to write about MLK today. I'm going to write, just briefly, about Coretta. Those opposed to the idea of animal rights, those who consider the fight for animal rights to be distinct from and lesser than other social justice movements, and--most clearly--those who consider veganism extreme could learn something from Coretta Scott King.
For more than the last decade of her extraordinary, compassionate, and passionate life, Coretta Scott King was a vegan. Really. Not an "extremist," not a "fanatic," not a "one-note," "single-issue" zealot--just a vegan.
In addition to fighting against racial injustices, Coretta Scott King fought openly and loudly for LGBT rights. She opposed war and violence and championed peace. And for the last 15 years of her life, she improved her own health and life and saved hundreds of animals' lives by refusing to eat their bodies or what came from their bodies.
On her health, she said in Ebony in 2003, "I feel blessed that I was introduced to this lifestyle more than 12 years ago by Dexter. I prefer to eat mostly raw or 'living' foods. The benefits for me are increased energy, a slowing of the aging process, and I have none of the diseases like hypertension, heart disease and diabetes that many people my age seem to get." And Coretta and Martin Luther King's son Dexter, also a vegan and, as noted, the one who introduced his mother to the lifestyle, considers veg*nism the "logical extension" of his father's philosophy of nonviolence, reported Vegetarian Times in 1995 in the write-up of the magazine's interview with him.
Every time someone remarks or implies that vegans are nothing but animal rights "fanatics" or health-obsessed neurotics who care about nothing else, who are vegans to the exclusion of caring about or fighting against any other injustices, one of the many people who comes to mind as proving this wrong is Coretta Scott King. So today I remember and honor not only Martin Luther King Jr. but Coretta Scott King as well. If I must be an extremist or a fanatic simply because I am a vegan, then I am at least happy with the company.
Martin Luther King taught us all nonviolence. I was told to extend nonviolence to the mother and her calf.
-Dick Gregory
Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice. Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.
-Martin Luther King Jr.
Cowardice asks the question, "Is it safe?"
Expediency asks the question, "Is it politic?"
Vanity asks the question, "Is it popular?"
But conscience asks the question, "Is it right?"
And there comes a point when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one's conscience tells one that it is right.
-Martin Luther King Jr.
It's been awhile since my last post. A long while. I haven't been inspired enough to take the time out to write and I'm still pretty busy with school/work so...
I was having a conversation with my sister about how difficult it is for me to think of having a serious relationship with someone who is not vegan or even vegetarian.
It is a hard thing for me to consider... and over the past few years my passion and my lifestyle has become more and more a part of who I am when it comes to veganism. I don't just eat this way, I live this way. The mere thought of bringing meat into my home is completely offensive to me... so logically... atleast... logically to me... I would think that the object of my affection would either feel the same way or respect that and not put me in that type of position.
Now, I know, I know... You're thinking... "How can you push your beliefs on someone else" blah blah blah... but really. Wouldn't it be them pushing their beliefs on me if they bring meat into my home and expect me to be okay with it? The thought of meat repulses me, as it does most other vegans. The idea of someone who I'd be exchanging bodily fluids consuming animal parts (and animal bodily fluids) pretty much repulses me as well! Sad, but true.
Now, I've never dated a vegan. In fact, I don't even know any vegans in my own zip code and I have never even met a vegan man. Hence - I am single. I'm not exactly sitting around waiting for a vegan guy, but ideally I'd love to find someone that shares my viewpoints and shares my ideas of what a healthy happy lifestyle is so that we can have a healthy happy vegan family... is that so much to ask?
And is it too much to ask that they be hot as hell, intelligent and funny? LoL
Okay okay... maybe I am asking too much. That's enough whining from me for now, I hope you enjoyed my little uhm.. rant.. or whining session... or what have you.. noone really reads this anyways! :D
Here are some pictures of my awesomely adorable amazing vegan son.

1 comment:
Wow, I had no idea that Coretta Scott King was vegan and supported queer rights, that's awesome! I remember as a kid she was doing a speaking tour and my school went to see her speak in this incredible church downtown. I knew who she was/is, and felt in awe. So, learning this new bit is excellent!
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