I had written this whole thing in class the other day about the connection between eating meat and power/control issues and I had intention of that being my next blog post... but I wanted to mention something else first.
Veganism - A foreign concept
God & Vegans
Talking to non-vegans and
Animal Rights "Terrorists"
Veganism- A Foreign Concept
I've been vegan for so long now that I don't remember when the concept was foreign to me... in fact... I don't think it ever was foreign to me. I've always been an animal lover so when I found out about it, it just made sense. But lately I've been talking to others about veganism a lot more... and one girl in my class is actually interested in it. I only see her once a week, so the week after she decided she wanted to go vegan I saw her again. She's cut back to vegetarianism she says because she really doesn't know what she can and can't eat. This is a completely new concept for her. None of her friends know what a vegan is, in fact she doesn't even know any vegetarians. She says I'm the only vegan she knows.
I was there once. Eight years ago when I decided to take this path I didn't know any vegans. I didn't even know any vegetarians. Fortunately for me, I was an internet addict, so I had wealth of knowledge and internet communities at my fingertips!!
But all this brings up something that made me think... how are we going to help people come into veganism if it's considered a laughable concept? Asking the world to go vegan is a big dream, I realize this, but some people are so closed minded about it that they don't even give it a chance.
All of the questions that I've gotten so far have had underlying similarities: God, tradition and agriculture. And when those run out, there's always "Oh, but I could never live without..." taste.
God & Vegans
If you are a speciesist ass, sure you can believe that all other creatures were made for you. But that doesn't mean God made that so. I believe in a higher power. I'm Greek Orthodox Christian. I often refer to this higher power as God and as a male - it's just what I'm used to. I don't consider myself a religous person, I don't subscribe to the bible and I think it would be equally awesome if "God" was twelve females hanging out on a cloud and eating (vegan) cupcakes. But this blog isn't about religion. I just wanted to say... God didn't physically write the bible. God's hand did not come out of the sky and scribble some words on a book and hand it to his followers. Love your neighbors does not mean eat them.
If "God put animals on the earth for us to eat" then why are Greek monks vegetarian/vegan?
Talking to non-vegans
If you are a vegan and you want others to go vegan, try to be patient and remember that for some of them veganism is a completely alien and foreign concept to them. Be patient, welcoming and positive. If they're sensitive about it, don't throw down "Earthlings" right away, talk about the positive aspects of veganism. How much of a great impact it's made on you and your environment.
The best responses I've had is when I talk about how great I feel about being vegan. How I feel like I'm making a difference and making my own choices on a daily basis, how happy my son is about eating a cruelty-free diet, how great it feels to have control over my diet and not be a slave to the McDonald's society! You know, all that good stuff.
At first, they separate it from themselves: "That's really great, I wish I had the willpower to do that."
And then you respond with: "You can! It's easy!" :)
This approach has been much more effective than going straight into all of the horrible things that "you meat eaters" condone simply by buying a .99 cent burger. But some people do want to hear the raw facts. Different personalities communicate in different ways... some people would be more affected by "There's a little veal in every glass of milk" than "I find soymilk to be much lighter and healthier than cows milk."
The point is - stay positive and stay informed. If you are the only vegan that they know then you are representing veganism. In their mind, all vegans are just like you. So do the rest of us a favor and don't be an asshole.
And on the topic of assholes:
Animal Rights "Terrorists"
These AR activists in California... that are attacking scientists and shit... need to stop. I don't agree with vivisection. I'm vegan. No animal testing. Seriously though.. the world will never take us seriously if you're going to a persons home and punching their husband during their childs birthday party. Save that shit for Jerry Springer and go find something non-violent and effective instead of making the rest of us look like terrorist assholes, you're only making it harder for the rest of the AR world.
Sidenote: My friend and I are talking about starting a Delaware Vegan group. We'll get together once a month, have some wonderful vegan foods and a discussion group. If you're in the Delaware area and are interested in joining us email me at awesomevita@aol.com :)
The Trans Rights Issue: Equality Claims and Belief Claims
Note: Principle Five of the Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights
maintains human rights and nonhuman rights are inextricably intertwined and
that: Abolit...
1 year ago
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